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Strange Transmissions on Shortwave Radio
Since 90% of the population doesn't know what shortwave radio is, I feel like I need to start this off with a quick definition:Shortwave radio is radio communication using the upper MF (medium frequency) and all of the HF (high frequency) portion of the radio spectrum, between 1,800–30,000 kHz (fr... |
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Sound in Space???
No, please don't take off your space helmet to try and hear the sounds of space. 1) These sounds are not heard by the naked human ear, and 2) You won't be able to breathe, your blood will boil, your spit will fizzle, blah blah blah until you die... So keep the helmet on! Sound as we know it cannot travel thro... |
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UFO Fires Laser at a Parked Car
Hello, I live in a rural part of Michigan. The closest major city is Port Huron. I saw this object near my home on the night of Oct 27, 2013. So, I followed it down a public dirt road. Then it turned so I had to turn onto a private unmarked road which... |
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Just in Time for Halloween: Ghost Vids
What better way to get in the mood for Halloween than to watch real ghost vids!! (or really well put together fake ones!) Ghost screams in vacant hotel room: Jamaican boy haunted by poltergeist: [video= |
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The Earthside of the sun is quiet, but the farside of the sun is not. During the early hours of Oct. 5th, NASA's STEREO-A probe, stationed over the farside, recorded the eruption of a southern hemisphere sunspot. Shortly after 07:30 UT, a coronal mass ejection (CME) flew over the sun's southeastern l... |
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Alien Disclosure By Formal Canadian Minister of Defence - MAY 2013
This is interesting stuff. Take a look at the video below: Former Canadian Minister of Defense, Paul Hellyer, makes some interesting claims in this video. "At least four species (of alien) have been visiting Earth for thousands o... |
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Why would governments continue to cover up old UFO events?
If UFO crashes have been covered up for hundreds of years, then why would governments STILL classify such events? I wouldn't think it would have to do with proving the existence of extra terrestrials. Maybe at one time it would have caused a panic, but would it cause one nowadays? We have been so desens... |
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Mars-One falls short of estimated applicants... But so what?
Along with many people supporting this mission, there are just as many waiting on Mars-One to fail. As great poets of the rap world once said, 'Haters Gonna Hate'. Mars-One could end up planning everything right, yet there will be some scientist or some old astronaut critiquing every move. But you kn... |
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Recent UFO Caught in Rover Photos - Response
If you haven't heard by now, there have been several news articles on the web about a disc-shaped UFO caught in TWO pictures taken by one of the Mars Rovers. The crazy thing about this is if it were just in one picture, it could be written off as anything - dust, dirt, blemish, etc. But it was caught clearly... |
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